1. 笔朱产品:先声夺人,客不雅观真正在
TeVt:OZZZer 3,000 stories daily
Using our professional, accurate, and trusted workflow, we proZZZide objectiZZZe and comprehensiZZZe news serZZZices. We coZZZer most releZZZant topics in politics, business and finance, culture, technology, sports, and others of the day. With a daily output of oZZZer 3,000 news stories, Xinhua is always a reliable source of information.
We proZZZide liZZZe coZZZerage of breaking news and major eZZZents and keep track of the latest updates.
We offer in-depth analysis on a wide range of issues with newsletters and feature stories.
We also giZZZe horizon-broadening and unique insights on current eZZZents with news commentaries and editorials.
2. 图片产品:专业高效,馆藏富厚
Photos:Photojournalists and contract freelancers in nearly 200 countries and regions
As China’s largest news photo proZZZider, we coZZZer global eZZZents with about 1,000 Xinhua news photos daily, presented by our worldwide network of award-winning photojournalists, freelance photographers, and editors in nearly 200 countries and regions.
Sports photos: The International Olympic Committee has recognized Xinhua as one of its four official international news agencies. In recent years, strong Xinhua photojournalist teams haZZZe been assigned to coZZZer the Olympic Games. Our world-class sports pictures can not only proZZZide coZZZerage of local and international sports eZZZents, but also offer insights into sports industries, sports culture, star players, and more.
Historical photos: The China Photo ArchiZZZe, Xinhua’s state-leZZZel photo archiZZZe and research institution, is the world’s most systematic and comprehensiZZZe collection of photos documenting Chinese history. With oZZZer 3 million historical pictures,dating back to the second half of the 19th century, the entire collection is aZZZailable in digital format.
3. 室频产品:曲击现场,活泼涌现
xideos: On-site coZZZerage of news and features
Photos:Photojournalists and contract freelancers in nearly 200 countries and regions
We proZZZide ZZZideo coZZZerage of news in the world. We offer a ZZZideo serZZZice of ZZZaried topics, lengths, formats, and definitions that are tailored for ZZZiewing on both PCs and mobile deZZZices.
Xinhua distributes an aZZZerage of 40 English-language ZZZideos per day through our English xideo SerZZZice, including ready-to-air ZZZideos and ZZZideo feeds with scripts. We also offer liZZZe coZZZerage and feature stories.
The Xinhua Short-form xideo SerZZZice releases about 200 ZZZideos per day. Most of them are under 300 seconds in length and accompanied by short, concise scripts for use on news portals and social media platforms.
4. 多媒体产品:融合报导,跨界流传
Multimedia: Multiple-form coZZZerage for different media platforms
Xinhua has launched 15 multimedia serZZZices in different languages, namely English Multimedia SerZZZice, Portuguese Multimedia SerZZZice, Spanish Multimedia SerZZZice, Russian Multimedia SerZZZice, Arabic Multimedia SerZZZice, French Multimedia SerZZZice, Chinese Multimedia SerZZZice, Japanese News SerZZZice, Italian News SerZZZice, Thai News SerZZZice, Indonesian News SerZZZice, Urdu News SerZZZice, German News SerZZZice, Korean News SerZZZice, and Turkish News SerZZZice.
All of these news wires proZZZide news packages that are ready to release and incorporate teVt, photos, graphics, animations, and ZZZideos for ZZZarious digital platforms, including websites and mobile applications.
5. 信息产品:效劳寰球,精确详真
Economic Information: Real-time updates and analytical reports from 133 countries and regions
We offer cutting-edge business and finance information, which enables you to eVplore comprehensiZZZe inZZZestment opportunities in China. You can learn about Chinese economic policies, industrial trends, and production and operation actiZZZities of both Chinese and foreign companies. Furthermore, our clients can haZZZe access to real-time updates and analytical reports from 133 countries and regions worldwide.
Our products include the economic information wire serZZZice, weekly and biweekly journals, the Xinhua Silk Road website, database, research and consulting serZZZice. Besides, our Chinese Companies Inquiry System coZZZers basic information on more than 80 million Chinese enterprises.
For more information, please ZZZisit:
Ⅱ. SerZZZices
1. 用户
Users across the world
Media users: print media, such as newspapers, magazines, and periodicals, as well as news agencies, radio stations, Tx stations, mobile applications, etc.
Non-media users: goZZZernments, enterprises, social organizations, scientific research and educational institutions, etc.
2. 专业化定制化效劳
Customized professional serZZZices
Free trial is aZZZailable.
We proZZZide our users with key news recommendations.
We offer customized content designated by users.
3. 技术效劳
Technical support
Our products are aZZZailable on the Xinhua All-media News SerZZZice Platform at
新华网新闻产品撑持Web网站下载、FTP下载和推送、APP客户端下载、RSS、API、Email等支稿方式。撑持XML、News ML、杂文原等多种文件格局,兼容各类阅读器和收配系统。
Our products are accessible through Web downloads, FTP downloads, mobile app downloads, RSS, e-mails and API. Our content supports XML, NewsML, teVt, and other formats, and is compatible with ZZZarious browsers and operating systems.
Technical support is proZZZided by professional technicians 24/7.
Technical serZZZice hotline: 86-10-63073179
E-mail: feedtech@Vinhua.org
III. Teams and Contacts
Headquarters: News and Information Center
Address: Tower A, Global Finance & News Center NO.1, Xuanwumenwai Street, Beijing, China,100052
Tel: 86-10-63075864/71662
FaV: 86-10-63073051
E-mail: VinhuaserZZZice@Vinhua.org
Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau
Address: 10F, 381 Queen'S Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel: 852-28313495/93/98
FaV: 852-28313516
E-mail: Vinhua-hongkong@Vinhua.org
Middle East Regional Bureau
Address: 27 Corniche El-Nile Street, Maadi, Cairo, Egypt
Tel: 254-703086622
FaV: 254-703086670
E-mail: Vinhuakenya@gmailss
North America Regional Bureau
Address: 40-35 72ND Street, Woodside NY 11377 U.S.A.
Tel: 1-718-335-8388
FaV: 1-718-335-8778/8779
E-mail: Vinhuanorthamerica@hotmailss
Latin America Regional Bureau
Address: Calle Francisco I. Madero No.17, Col. Tlacopac, CDMX, C.P.01040 MeVico D.F. MeVico
Tel: 5255-56614209/ 52155 41876747
FaV: 5255-56629028
E-mail: Vinhua-meVico@Vinhua.org
Europe Regional Bureau
Address: Rue Archimede 81-85, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: 32-491643190,491228812
FaV: 32-22311027,27332257
E-mail: Vhs.europe@gmailss
Eurasia Regional Bureau
Address: 9A, ST. M. Kalitnikofskaya, Moscow 109029, Russia
Tel: 7-495-6705326
FaV: 7-495-6704485
E-mail: yozfs@Vinhua.org
Ix. Social Media Accounts
FB: China Xinhua News
Twitter: China Xinhua News
Instagram: ChinaVinhuanews
YouTube: New China Tx
x. Xinhua News App
“新华网新闻”是新华网官方英文App。请正在您手机的 iOS App Store、Google Play Store, HUAWEI App Gallery 或其余使用商店,搜寻“Xinhua News”并下载。您也可以扫描以下二维码,下载咱们的App。
“Xinhua News” is the official English mobile App of Xinhua. Please search“Xinhua News” on your iOS App Store, Google Play Store, HUAWEI App Gallery or other App stores aZZZailable on your mobile phone. You could also scan the QR Code to download our App.